No other discipline is integrated in so many business aspects as supply chain is. The same can be said about the number of involved entities/partners. It is also supply chain management that seems to be hit the most by the current challenges on energy, climate control and resources.

It makes Supply Chain both a challenging and great business to work in. Not so great for companies where transportation is rather a burden than an expertise. Finance pushes for cost decrease, customers require on-time delivery and quality, and safety must be guaranteed. Which partner to manage your inventories and execute your transports, what process optimizations deliver your goals and which systems do you need for that?

In recent years, there is a tremendous increase in supply chain related systems. At the same time, long term partnership with external providers is the basis to remain quality and reliability. Nowadays, also sustainability has become a priority. At the same time, new challenges are added: resource scarcity and omnichannel delivery flexibility. Optichain has the expertise and experience to synchronize organization, processes and systems for an optimal supply chain.

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Strategic Procurement & Contract Management

Strategic procurement and contract management

Outsourcing starts with procurement. This requires specific knowledge of rates and the different solutions and providers in the market. Optichain has experience with leading strategic [...]

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Business Process Design & Implementation

Business process design and implementation

Supply chain processes are complex. Changing them even more. Which systems to use and how to organize? Do you have a business case and what [...]

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Project Management & Audit

Project management and audit

Many models exist about how a project should be managed. Most important aspect is communication. Align multiple parties, get actions done, have decisions made, manage [...]

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